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Coopers Lane

 Innovation Pod will be continuing its award-winning Coding and new Debate clubs at Coopers Lane Primary School in September.  Read about our curriculum and find full details about the clubs below.  

If you're an existing customer, click the blue button to access your account on our registration portal  If you've not used the service before, select the 'first time logging on' option and use the email that you originally signed up with as your Username.  You'll see the courses listed under the payments tab.

Years 1 - 2

Children in Key Stage One will be treated to two stimulating modules, 'Move It!' and 'Code Quest'. Our Move It! module is all about coding vehicles and machinery. We’ll be writing detailed algorithms to complete our tasks and move a range of vehicles through tunnels and mazes. Pupils studying our Code Quest will adventure through forests, deserts, space and beyond to apply coding skills that are directly linked to the national curriculum. Along the way, they’ll need to use events, loops and conditions to pass through different worlds.

Years 3 - 6

Children in Key Stage Two will challenge themselves to two thrilling modules, 'Tynker Quest' and 'Movie Maker'. Tynker Quests is a fun introduction to the world of coding. Children will apply a range of iteration functions, such as: while and until conditions to complete a series of games with monsters and hot rods. They’ll then finish the module in the project lab, applying their new skills. Our Movie Maker module uses the world famous Scratch platform to allow children to develop their own animated stories. They’ll apply the fundamental skills of coding to bring animated projects to life, including: movie trailers, pop videos and stories.

Debate Circle.jpg

Debate Years 3 -6

Our Debate and Public Speaking clubs are a fun way for children to develop the confidence to articulate their ideas and viewpoints in a public forum. They will learn how to generate ideas, defend their opinions and challenge existing paradigms.  With clear links to the national curriculum for English, this club can be a great way to support the children’s learning and progress in their school attainment targets too.

Details & FAQs

Dates and times:
Clubs take place straight after school until 4:30 pm

Coding Years 1&2: Thursday

From 8th September - 15th December
Coding Years 3&6: Tuesday
From 6th September - 13th December
Debate Years 3&6: Monday
From 5th September - 14th December

Pick-up and drop off:
Children are collected from their classroom and taken straight to their club.  At the end of the session, children will be either picked up by a guardian from the front entrance or taken to another provision at the school.

As our club is straight after school, parents can pack a healthy snack in accordance with the school's food policies.  

£5.50 per session.  Payment for the full 14 weeks is taken as a one-off Direct Debit of £77.00. 

This is NOT a recurring payment and you will NOT be entered into a subscription.

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