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What Your Child Will Be Learning This Term...

Each half term the children in our amazing coding clubs will study a new module where they will be able to showcase and improve on their skills!

KS1 Coding - Tynker

Our Tynker Module is the perfect place for young minds to have fun while also learning complex coding skills.  The children take part in multi-level adventure games where they use a series of coding skills in order to complete their quest.  The children work at their own pace so what’s taught in each lesson may differ slightly from child to child. 

Lesson 1 & 2

Lesson 1 & 2.  The first adventure that the children go on is Candy Quest where they’ll learn about Sequences, Loops, Conditioned-Controlled Loops and Conditionals.

Lesson 3&4

Lesson 3 & 4: The second adventure that the children go on Space Quest where they’ll practise Sequences, Loops, Conditioned-Controlled Loops and Conditionals again.

Lesson 5&6

Lesson 5 & 6:  The children’s third adventure is Puppy Adventure where they’ll practise the same skills as before with the addition of Events. If there’s time, we’ll also complete the Hot Wheels Challenge where they will code project settings, use loops and learn about the if/else condition.

Summer Term 2024

Summer Term 2024

KS2 Coding - Virtual Reality

In our Virtual Reality module, we will use the incredible CoSpaces platform.  The pupils love this platform which is why we use it again in our Augmented Reality Module and our RollerCoaster Builder module.  The children will have their own accounts so you’ll be able to see their progress and view their projects.  If you have a VR headset at home (which you can buy on Amazon for around £15, you’ll also be able to immerse yourself in the world that your child has created. 

Lesson 1

In the first week, the children will be doing the welcome tutorial where they will learn how to navigate in a 3D environment.  When it comes to designing their virtual worlds, the extra dimension can make it tricky to move, resize and edit objects so it’s essential that the children get to grips with CoSpaces before we start their projects.  There will also be time in this lesson for the children to explore other children’s projects to get ideas for their own.

Lesson 2

In the 2nd week, we’ll start our first project, “Floating in Space”.  In this project, the children will create a 360°space scene.  This is where the viewpoint is static but the viewer can look in all directions including up and down. 

Lesson 3

In the third week, the children will make their “Floating in Space” project interactive by making things respond to the players’ touch or by making something change over time.

Lesson 4

In the fourth week, we’ll start our second project, “Nighttime in Suburbia”.  This will be a 3D environment which allows the children’s avatars to walk around a space and investigate the many elements of it.  

Lesson 5

In the fourth week, we’ll start our second project, “Nighttime in Suburbia”.  This will be a 3D environment which allows the children’s avatars to walk around a space and investigate the many elements of it.  

Lesson 6

In the sixth lesson, the children spend some time sharing their projects with the rest of the class, giving each other feedback and tweaking different aspects of their VR worlds to make them even more amazing. 

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